Friday, May 20, 2022

Striking Originality

"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation" - Herman Melville

I agree with this quote in part, as the ideas of success or failure seems moot to me especially when viewing chess as an art. To me originality is even more important in this age of information than in any other time.

Today is the birth day of my friend and a long time colleague Grandmaster M.R.Venkatesh. On this occasion I happened to think about some of his games and some of his memories. I know him from the time he was perhaps 7 or 8 and what was always striking about his (chess) personality from then was his original approach to the game. Earlier I attributed  it ( incorrectly so!) to his lack of formal training. But with passing age I am able to keenly appreciate this quality in a chess player as the most profound one! There were always instances of awe, surprise, disdain and mockery too when coming across some of his decisions but with time when one grows over those immediate emotions they seem to show the unique chess artist that he indeed is.  

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

King's Placement

" Castle if you need to, caslte if you so desire, but do not castle just because you can" - William Lombardy"

Recently while preparing for a lecture topic for ProChess on the topic of Determining the position of the King, I was evoked by some pleasant trip upon my memory lane. From the very little of what I have studied, I feel that this concept was first vocalised by the first World Champion Wilhelm Steinitz. He actively contemplated the idea of being flexible with the King in the centre, when normal norm in his time was to quickly castle and prepare a sacrificial attack. Steinitz envisioned the King as a strong piece which can take care of itself.  We all know that by the mobility it possesses the King can be considered to be as good as a minor piece or even better in an endgame. But, far more importantly, the safety of the King is the prime mover of a Chess game, as Checkmate culminates a game. For this reason the King is considered to be a piece that is of inestimable value.